Teams Announced for NBA Abu Dhabi Games 2023 in October

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 02 May 2023
Teams Announced for NBA Abu Dhabi Games 2023 in October Teams Announced for NBA Abu Dhabi Games 2023 in October
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If you're familiar with basketball techniques like the fishhook cut and rocker step, then you'll want to pay attention because the NBA Abu Dhabi Games of 2023 are coming soon.

Last year's event marked the first time that legendary basketball players such as Shaquille O’Neal, Dominique Wilkins, Isaiah Thomas, Chris Bosh, and Vince Carter were present in the Middle East.

Abu Dhabi's first-ever pre-season NBA match in 2021 featured a game between the Atlanta Hawks and the reigning champions, the Milwaukee Bucks. The event was a huge success and is expected to attract some of the world's top basketball players again for the 2023 edition.