Sick Leave in UAE Labor Law - Private Sector

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 10 August 2022 | Last update: Saturday، 21 December 2024
Sick Leave in UAE Labor Law - Private Sector Sick Leave in UAE Labor Law - Private Sector
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The UAE is one of the first options that many job seekers go to, as it provides them with a variety of jobs with good salaries commensurate with the cost of living as well as other benefits, including leaves of all kinds. Below we explain regulations related to sick leave within the private sector in the UAE.

Eligibility for a Sick Leave in the UAE Labor Law

The employee is entitled to sick leave for a period of 90 consecutive or intermittent days for each year of his service, after the probationary work period, and the leave is calculated as follows:

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  • First (15) days – full pay
  • Next (30) days – half pay
  • Rest (45) days – no pay

Note: Although the employee is not entitled to paid sick leave during the probationary period, nevertheless, the employer may grant him unpaid sick leave, based on a medical report.

Ineligibility for Paid Sick Leave

The employee does not get paid sick leave in the following cases:

  • During the probationary period
  • If the disease is directly caused by his misconduct, such as alcohol or drug abuse
  • In the event that the employee violates the safety guidelines in accordance with the company's regulations that the employee has been informed of.

Notifying the Employer of Sick Leave

The employee must inform the employer of his illness within a maximum period of three (3) days, and submit a medical report issued by the concerned health authority.

Can You Be Sacked for Being off Sick?

The employer may not dismiss the worker during his leave stipulated in the Labor Law, but he may terminate the employee’s service after using his sick leaves (90 days) stipulated if he is unable to return to his work.

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