Remote Learning System Extended an Extra Week

Hazza Al Mansouri, Official Spokesman of the UAE Education Sector, announced, during UAE Government media briefing on the COVID-19 pandemic, the extension of the remote learning system for schools and universities for an extra week from 17th to 21st January, 2022, and the postponement of all in-person exams to 28th January, 2022.
Dr. Noura Al Ghaithi, Official Spokesperson of the UAE Health Sector noted that the health sector is continuing its efforts to achieve acquired immunity by providing vaccines to all eligible individuals and added that 100% of the population had received the first dose of the vaccine while 92.76% are fully vaccinated.
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"We urge the community’s members to be cautious and perform the necessary tests if they present with symptoms, especially respiratory symptoms associated with seasonal flu. PCR tests are necessary in these cases to confirm infections," she stressed.
He pointed out that the remote learning system has been extended for one week for schools and universities from 17th to 21st January, 2022, while in-person exams have been postponed for schools and universities to 28th January, 2022.
"This decision applies to educational establishments nationwide, with local authorities and teams having the authority to regulate its implementation," Al Mansouri noted.