Read Your Daily Horoscope: Wednesday, 21 September 2022
The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Aries Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
You want to share someone else`s good mood, but you`re not sure what there is to celebrate. They were hoping for a new beginning, while you hoped that the previous phase wouldn`t end quite so soon. The universe outvoted you, though and now you`re not prepared for what should be a good thing. All around you, people are toasting the future. This wildness in the air makes you nervous. Maybe you should ask yourself what`s so bad about that.
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Taurus Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
Couples and groups have personalities that are independent from the people in them. There`s a mood in the air that affects everyone, even if none of you can say who started it. Defuse any situation that could lead to jealousy. Popularity and unequal shares are suddenly a very big deal. Even when you`re dealing with adults, the least likely trigger can bring out some childish responses. Those who manage to keep their team together can still expect a challenge from the outside. Maybe you`ll overcome this easily, but it keeps you on your toes. That`s where you need to be.
Gemini Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
Like it or not, you`re in public servant mode. Think of yourself as a searchlight sweeping across a darkened landscape, picking out details that others have missed. You see things that interest or would benefit you personally, but right now none of this is for you. With noblesse oblige and a faint sense of martyrdom, you learn to set aside your own longings for a while. It feels right to harness your brainpower for the common good. You`ll get something out of this in due time. Until then, there`s enough to keep you going until this project is over.
Cancer Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
Suddenly you`re creative in ways that you never imagined possible. You`re on a mission to improve the visible and invisible world one step at a time. Wherever you go, you bring your art supplies with you. If you choose to travel light, the environment might yield all that you need. Make your statement in the medium that works best for you. Even the simplest rendering of what you see will shed an important light on wherever you chose to focus. Looking through your eyes, people will wonder why they never saw things this way before.
Leo Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
Doing something halfway isn`t much better than avoiding it altogether. If you really want to make this happen, you`ll put more effort into it. Superficial passes at your goal may not convince anyone of your sincerity. You`ve seen others gloat over their riches and you know how foolish this makes them look. You`d hate to squander your good reputation like that, to say nothing of wasting your time. What you need are the missing clues that have been holding you back. You can discover them by paying attention to the ideas and actions of the people that you should be watching.
Virgo Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
A little digging uncovers a satisfying tangle of roots. You like to see how things are nourished and what holds them in place. Days and weeks of speculation are borne out by what is revealed right now. You don`t mind a little triumph at the expense of a few other things right now. You love standing your critics on their heads and turning their words to suit your purposes. A high profile in a favorable light provides you with a unique opportunity to ask the right questions. You`re pretty sure that you know the answers, but you want to be absolutely certain before proceeding.
Libra Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
`s hard to share what you fought so hard to earn. People seem greedier than usual. Before issuing a memo or manifesto telling them all to back off, ask yourself whether it`s you and not them. Your warehouse is full, but full of what? Material possessions may be taking up too much of the mental space that`s reserved for priceless, intangible things. Don`t block out what could be wrong with this picture. Acknowledge your spiritual hunger, if that`s truly what you`re feeling. Maybe the time has come to step back from your busy professional life and look for something else.
Scorpio Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
People say that you`re not yourself, but they don`t really know you. This is you at your most essential. You embody all that`s deep and wild in human nature. It`s no wonder that you have such an effect on those who didn`t expect this kind of intimacy. In a synthetic world, your natural urges blind as well as empower you. What`s right for you flies in the face of style or polite society itself. True heroes and visionaries can bend the rules with impunity. Your deeds will be remembered with hushed voices and incredulous head shaking.
Sagittarius Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
You have public days and private days. Maybe your personal fire burns a little too low for you to hold your own in the marketplace, but that won`t interfere with your rich internal life. Stay home and catch up on your reading. You might even go deeper into that personal world and do some writing. Don`t be surprised if the company of others seems abrasive -- you need your private time. You have a grip on the meaning of life, so they won`t take this personally.
Capricorn Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
You have it all these days and you`re likely to keep it for a while, too. You`re full of the wisdom that comes from balancing cool observation with human warmth. Your abilities are sharpened to their maximum efficiency, whatever they are. Friends turn to you as an expert decision-maker. Associates might even pay extra for the privilege. The more you benefit from this, the less you seem to need it. You`d prefer to act out of caring than a desire for personal gain. There will be plenty of time to enrich yourself in the next week.
Aquarius Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
You wonder where all your luck went. People say that they love you, but they`re not showing it in a way that matters to you right now. Privileges are revoked. Promotions go to those who didn`t work nearly as hard as you always do. It`s almost as if an accelerating world is leaving you behind in its dust. Are you feeling sorry for yourself? If it`s come to this, drown those sorrows in a community-oriented project. Show others that you care and that you`re above pettiness. Maybe they`ll change their tune when they hear yours.
Pisces Horoscope for Wednesday, September 21, 2022
(Wednesday, 21 September 2022)
Research turns up something awesome. The magic of your early life manifests again in ways that you can finally understand. Maybe you`re embracing an old belief system as vital and relevant. Your life is transformed in a few short hours. Anxiety is sweet when it comes out as the excitement that has you dancing restlessly. Try not to take it personally if others find you incomprehensible right now. You can`t blame them if what works for you doesn`t work for anyone else. As it is, you`re so far into your new project or way of life that you might not even notice.