Read Your Daily Horoscope: Thursday, 21 September 2023

  • Author: Find Your Fate Publish date: Thursday، 21 September 2023

The 12 Zodiac signs in order are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

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Aries Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Fun is where you find it. Disaster is what you make of it. Either way, you have the unique opportunity for turning something extreme into something useful. Thanks to a small but critical adjustment, things aren`t what they were before. There`s room in your life for both delight and discipline. If someone talks about how their routine sets them free, you know that he or she is on your wavelength. Collect enough people who think your way, and get your project off to a flying start. You can still own this if you stake your claim early enough.

Taurus Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Sleepers are waking up. Wanderers get back on track by accident or design. Change passive behavior before it undermines your commitments. You were drifting along without an objective, but now you see what you could become. The people who seemed to be harassing you were actually your friends all along, and now you`re ready to hear them. You step cautiously into someone else`s stream of consciousness. And guess what? The water was never all that deep. Just put your feet down and start walking against a slightly contrary current of events. This is how you make a name for yourself.

Gemini Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

You don`t know what they were thinking. Maybe they didn`t know what you were doing. You`d prefer to avoid becoming a prisoner of your own history, but your present actions may affect your reputation in ways that you never imagined. This might not be the most advantageous time for a makeover or policy change. Keep your opinions to yourself and go quietly about your lawful business. If you want to be more convincing, show instead of telling. The right context will make your case for you. Anything else will just be a lot more work than you need right now.

Cancer Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Memorize the location of the exits and safety zones. You probably won`t need escape and refuge, but that extra level of preparation makes you less worried and more able to concentrate. Things might be getting weird soon, but in a good way. This afternoon should answer some of the questions that began your day. Staying alert and following procedure keeps you functioning at your best. Please others by doing what they expect of you. They`re aware of your ambitions, but like so many other things, big plans take time to grow from little seeds. Lay the groundwork.

Leo Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Let the people decide what they want. You`re here to serve. Of course, you`re also here with an agenda, but that shouldn`t prevent you from helping others and letting events use you as they will. Carry out your appointed duties with power and efficiency. Put a creative spin on things that are open to interpretation. If your life is private instead of public, nothing can stop you from accomplishing whatever you set out to do. For a Fire Sign like you, the heat of this moment feels deliciously warm. Get closer to someone who`s good for you.

Virgo Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Something`s happening that`s bigger than you are. You could be the strongest, wisest person in the world and feel uncertain. The best strategy is to keep your feet on the ground before the high winds sweep you away. All this sounds dire, but you`re actually having fun with it. You can feel yourself as a beacon of order in a storm of chaos, and you know that it`s your finest hour. Recognize your personal needs, and put them aside for now. Later on, there will be time enough for anything that you still want to do.

Get your Chinese Zodiac for Thursday, September 21st here.

Libra Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

You seem to have everything. Lock your recent gains into place before the tides of fortune sweep them away. The longer you`ve owned something, the easier it will be to keep track of it. But don`t let the business of taking inventory distract you from external matters. You knew that the good times couldn`t last forever, but do you know what`s replacing them? See what`s available before committing your resources to any one plan. It`s possible that the new order will require you to be more thrifty and austere.

Scorpio Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

You might not like the system that`s imposed on you, but there`s a reason for it. A careful reading gives you all the data you need. Once you stop watching the clock, time becomes easier to manage. For a more accurate measurement of your progress, consult the calendar instead. Nail things down if you want them to be here when you get back. This isn`t the only way to put all your ducks in a row, although it works for you. Don`t worry if you`re still going through the motions this evening. By tomorrow, it will feel more like a dance.

Sagittarius Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

The last few days were some of the best in recent memory. But even as the party raged on, you knew in your gut that it was too much, too soon. Today`s evidence bears you out. Slowly but firmly, gravity regains its hold and brings you back down for a gentle landing. Did you get out of hand? Maybe or maybe not. Be aware of the reality that rises up to greet you, and be ready to apologize if you need to. People won`t hold a grudge as long as your sense of right and wrong is still in place.

Capricorn Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Getting started isn`t easy for you. Luckily, this condition is temporary. By the end of the day, nothing can stop you. The first few decisions are the hardest. After that, logic and ability feed on each other in an upward spiral. For an Earth Sign, you have the look of someone who`s on fire. You wonder why you ever doubted your common sense. Throw away bad advice and hold the truth aloft in triumph. Your brain is your best feature, although other parts of you are worthy of equal praise. You could listen to them talk all night long.

Aquarius Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

These are times of powerful gestures and unintended consequences. In all your freewheeling playfulness, you may start something serious without even recognizing what you`ve done. It`s just you and your fun and games. Others, however, are already seeing you as an authority on a subject that`s close to your heart. You begin a trend that you thought you were following. Now what? Does this mean that you have to grow up and have a plan? Time will tell. The week is still young, and many things can still change before it`s over.

Pisces Horoscope for Thursday, September 21, 2023

(Thursday, 21 September 2023)

Rebels give up the fight. You`re not losing face by surrendering. It`s just that nobody finds any more relevance in the issue. Acceptance will solve more of your problems than fighting ever could. The situation turns itself around with its own momentum. You thought things had already hit rock-bottom, but now that you`re on the way up again, you see that you could have fallen much farther. Even as you read this, you`re moving into more benign, positive times. Trouble is receding. This means that you can save your resources until you really need them.

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