Pictures: The Palm Juemeirah As Seen From Space

  • Publish date: Sunday، 27 June 2021
Pictures: The Palm Juemeirah As Seen From Space Pictures: The Palm Juemeirah As Seen From Space
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Celebrating 20 years since the construction of the Palm Jumeirah was over, an astronaut took to twitter to share facts about the popular UAE landmark. The Palm Jumeirah’s construction began in 2001.

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European Space Agency astronaut, Thomas Pesquet shared the following pictures with these facts about the man-made island.

The photos of the 20 years old island were taken from space.

Thomas Pesquet tweeted: “When you see these palm trees from space, you know you are looking at Dubai!”.

“100 days until the World Expo opens there. The French pavilion is set to be on point, I might be involved in some way”.