Online Learning For Schools And Universities In UAE To Be Implemented

  • Publish date: Sunday، 02 January 2022
Online Learning For Schools And Universities In UAE To Be Implemented Online Learning For Schools And Universities In UAE To Be Implemented
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UAE has announced that online Learning will begin on the 3rd of January 2022 across the country, as all schools and universities, training centers will go online.

Why will Learning switch to online in UAE?

As Covid-19 cases have been surging in the UAE as well as the Omicron Variant has been spreading vastly, this new announcement was made by the NCEMA, which is the National Emergency Crisis and Disaster Management Authority, during their brief on Tuesday, returning to school, however, has got new rules which are as the following:

  • Negative PCR test rules no more than 96 hours before returning to school.
  • Al Hosn Green pass is a rule to be applied to all parents of students.
  • New regulations include a negative PCR test not more than 96 hours before returning to school.

What about private schools?

Dubai private schools will continue with regular face-to-face education starting from the 3rd of January 2022; however, all canteens will close for the first two weeks of the semester, and all the gatherings and school trips will be suspended.

What about other Emirates?

Schools in other Emirates to switch to online Learning for two weeks, starting on the 3rd of January 2022, just like Dubai, the following was NCEMA brief on Tuesday.

All public schools will switch to distance learning for two weeks starting tomorrow, 3rd January 2022.

Stay tuned with us in Uaemoments to learn more about the latest news regarding online and Distance Learning for the developing covid-19 situation. The UAE lately has passed the 2400 cases after the spread of the Omicron variant is still understudies for the symptoms it might cause. As deaths surge, stricter rules are needed to ensure the safety of everyone.