Nutcracker Ballet by Candlelight Comes to QE2 Dubai

Candlelight Concerts is coming to the UAE for the first time with Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker on Friday September 30 and Saturday October 1 at The Queen Elizabeth II Theatre
The theatre will have (electronic) candles while ballet dancers perform on the stage to Tchaikovsky’s opus. The ballerinas will also perform other songs including two from Swan Lake.
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Candlelight Concerts have performed in cities including Sydney, Barcelona, Mexico and Miami.
Tickets start from Dhs150 and go up to Dhs250 depending on the seating choice.
There are four showings of the 60-minute concert next weekend, one at 7pm (doors open at 6.15pm) and the other at 9pm (doors open at 8.30pm).
A family-friendly event for kids over eight, anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.