New Rules Set for Scooter Riding in Abu Dhabi

Sit-down scooters have become increasingly popular over the past few years due to their affordability and being an environmentally friendly alternative. With the increase in reliability and the fact that some are capable of exceeding speeds of more than 40 km/h, there has been a growing concern for the safety of passengers and other road users.
A recent announcement by the Integrated Transport Center (ITC) in Abu Dhabi clarified that sit-down scooters are now banned in the form in which they were used, while other rule updates have included restrictions on where you can use the devices (not on public roads or pedestrian paths) and riders of these scooters must stay on the far-left side of the track and give way to pedestrians. Among other restrictions, those riders must wear a protective helmet and, in the event that their devices are turned on at night, must also wear reflective clothing in addition to other restrictions which you can find out at:
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