NASA Plans to Create the Moon's Own Time Zone

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 03 April 2024 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024

The US agency will create the moon's own time zone for future missions.

NASA Plans to Create the Moon's Own Time Zone NASA Plans to Create the Moon's Own Time Zone
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The US space agency NASA has been instructed by the White House to create a time zone for the Moon to support future missions. 

The timezone for the moon will be known as the Lunar Co-ordinated Time, which will be used on the moon and make future missions safer and more efficient for ground control and astronauts. 

Time passed 58 microseconds faster on the Moon because of its lower gravity and motion relative to the Earth. 

Since there is no official timezone for the Moon, countries with space programs have been using their timezones, usually based on Universal Time or the location of the mission control. 

This time zone will also help astronauts and robotic crafts with navigation on the moon because there could be some difficulties with using GPS (Global Positioning System satellites) on the moon. 

NASA will collaborate with the Departments of Commerce, Defence, State and Transportation to provide the final strategy for the Lunar Co-ordinated Time, due by Dec. 31, 2026.