Monkeypox: Would it Become a Pandemic? All About Monkeypox

After confirming 100 cases of Monkeypox across Europe, the World Health Organization announced on Friday, 20 May 2022, that it would hold an emergency meeting to discuss the outbreaks, Reuters reported.
Is Monkeypox the Next World Health Pandemic?
Fears of another pandemic are high, especially that Monkeypox is spreading, and dozens of cases are confirmed. However, experts do not expect monkeypox to reach such levels of transmission because the virus does not spread as easily as SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
What is Monkeypox?
Monkeypox is a disease caused by a virus that usually spreads among monkeys in Central and West Africa, but occasionally jumps on people, causing small outbreaks.
When Did Monkeypox First Appear?
Monkeypox was first spotted in monkeys in labs in 1958, while the first human case was identified in 1970 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Monkeypox 2022 First Case
The first person confirmed to be infected in the UK had traveled to Nigeria, he developed a rash on 5 May and was hospitalized on 6 May but has fully recovered.
How Does Monkeypox Spread?
Transmission of the monkeypox virus among humans is limited, but it can happen through:
Close skin contact
Air droplets
Bodily fluids
Virus-contaminated objects
And according to the World Health Organization (WHO):
“Monkeypox can be transmitted by droplet exposure via exhaled large droplets and by contact with infected skin lesions or contaminated materials.”
Some might interpret this as meaning the virus is airborne, but the WHO does not use this term.
Monkeypox Symptoms
Monkeypox produces symptoms like smallpox, but milder, and symptoms include:
Body aches
Swollen lymph nodes
Monkeypox Incubation Period
The Monkeypox incubation period can range from five to 21 days (about 3 weeks). The illness typically resolves within two to four weeks.
Is There a Vaccine for Monkeypox
There is no specific vaccine for monkeypox, but a smallpox jab offers 85% protection since the two viruses are quite similar.
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