How to transfer Etisalat balance (Data & Credit)

Excellent customer care is the foundation of Etisalat's business; therefore, they provide their customers with the best services to fulfill their needs. Many people in the UAE are searching for how to transfer Etisalat balance? Whether your Etisalat number is prepaid or postpaid, you can transfer data or credit in quick and easy steps. Do you want to know how to send either credit or data to other Etisalat numbers? are you searching for Etisalat transfer balance code? Let’s find out.
How to transfer balance Etisalat mobile
how can I transfer Etisalat balance? Find out how to transfer Etisalat credit to another phone through Etisalat transfer credit code:
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Local Credit Transfer
Etisalat allows the prepaid or postpaid numbers to transfer credit from their mobile to family and friends with prepaid numbers, and 5.25% (5% VAT included) of the transferred amount will be deducted from the sender as a transaction fee. The minimum y amount to transfer for prepaid or postpaid is AED 2, while the maximum amount is AED 150. on the other hand, the maximum monthly amount to transfer for postpaid is AED 500, while it’s AED 1500 for prepaid. You can use local credit transfer in 2 ways:
Via the My Etisalat UAE app
By dialing *100*Mobile Number*Amount to be transferred# Example: If you wish to send AED 5, simply dial *100*05XXXXXXXX*5#
Data Balance Transfer
Data balance transfer service is allowed for Etisalat number whether prepaid or postpaid and can be in multiples of 100MB, with no limit in prepaid, and up to 5GB data per transfer in postpaid. A maximum of 5 data transfers are allowed per month from monthly plans of 1GB or above, and it’s accepted as long as the sender’s remaining allowance doesn’t dip below 100MB. You can transfer the balance in 3 ways:
Via the My Etisalat UAE app
By dialing #100*ReceiverNumber*DataInMB# (for example, dial #100*05XXXXXXXX*1000# to transfer 1GB data to receiver’s number 05XXXXXXXX)
By dialing #100#
* Transferred data validity: 10 days, consumed before other regular data allowance.
International Credit Transfer
This service will allow Etisalat customers to Etisalat transfer credit to another mobile internationally or recharge their Prepaid number back home. When transferring credit internationally, recipients do not have to visit any top-up outlet to top-up airtime – they will receive the credit instantly on their mobile, along with a confirmation SMS. Note that, to initiate a transaction, you need to have a sufficient balance on your Wasel account or a valid Postpaid account. You can transfer international credit through 2 ways:
Via the My Etisalat UAE app
By texting the international prepaid number (for example 9198XXXXXXXX) to 1700 (free)
How to request Etisalat credit
If you are out of credit and your Etisalat number is prepaid, you may ask for credit from family and friends with the Etisalat network to send credit for free. Note that this service is limited to 2 requests per day, and here is how to use this service:
Request credit
Type: *107*05XXXXXXXX*Amount# (the number of the person you are asking credit from) and press send or call key.
The destination number will receive a message informing him/her that you need credit with the amount specified as follows: "Mobile Number 05xxxxxx is requesting you to transfer AED x (amount).
Transfer credit
Type the following command: *100*Mobile Number*amount# and press the send key”.
Once the amount is transferred, those who requested the credit will receive the credit on their phone.