How Much Time of Your Life Do You Spend in the Shower?

  • Publish date: Tuesday، 15 November 2022 | Last update: Tuesday، 20 December 2022
How Much Time of Your Life Do You Spend in the Shower? How Much Time of Your Life Do You Spend in the Shower?

Taking a shower is an important habit that is a part of our daily routine. It is not always the same experience for everyone, it is subjective to each person. There are many aspects that play a big part in us having the ultimate showering experience. The real question is how do these showering habits affect our planet?

GROHE, a leading brand that is a part of LIXIL, specializes in offering innovative water products and is widely known for creating smart yet sustainable solutions to make sure its customers are getting the best showering experiences while remaining environmentally friendly by maintaining their consumption habits and conserving an essential resource like water.

Recently, GROHE conducted a survey to determine whether rising energy costs cause people to alter their showering routines and purchase energy-efficient bathroom fixtures. They found that only three of nine countries have seen significant changes which reached around 50% in their showering behavior to reduce water and energy use. Egypt was one of the Middle Eastern countries that were part of the survey, numbers have shown that approximately 35% of respondents based in Egypt have water and energy-saving equipment installed in their bathrooms and are willing to change their showering behaviors to cut on their water consumption.

There are many scenarios that can come to our minds when we are talking about showering experiences. Someone might consider showering the part of the day that they relax and get a break after a long day at work. They would want to take a long shower with warm water and a good relaxing flow of water, and also to be able to conveniently control their showering experience. However, this might end up badly if your shower doesn’t have the right temperature control and the water flow keeps changing if you move your showerhead.

While another scenario might be a person that considers showering as the refreshing start of a new day. They would want the shower to be quick with a slightly colder water temperature to give them this “wake up!” effect in the morning. Also, this can go wrong if your shower head is not quick enough and the water flow is slightly light which will make the processing time-consuming.

All the mentioned scenarios have some aspects that not only contribute to a bad showering experience but also a water and energy-consuming one. According to statistics, the average shower duration for a person would take from 8 -10 minutes. Each shower consumes more than 16 gallons of water because the conventional showerhead has a 2.1 gallon per minute water flow!

It is very important to be conscious of our water consumption habits as water is a very valuable resource that we need to cherish to preserve our planet. There are many factors that can affect your shower experience and water consumption:

  • Duration of the shower: Your water usage may dramatically increase if you take a longer shower than the typical 8.2 minutes. Ideally, a good shower duration that wouldn’t overly consume water would be between 5-8 minutes.
  • Water Flow: The flow of water refers to how much and how quickly water is released from your showerhead. Some showerheads are designed to have control over the amount or style of water flow.
  • Numbers of showers per day: This completely depends on the person, but if you take more than 3 showers per day your water usage would be significantly high. 

Many people are starting to look for smarter and more water and energy-conserving solutions, which will not only help them save on their bills but also help save our environment.

If you are currently looking to invest in a high-quality water-saving shower to get the best showering scenario that you are looking forward to, then you should discover the various smart systems created by GROHE.


GROHE makes sure to have a high level of accuracy when it comes to testing temperature controls. That is by testing temperatures on the skin while designing their showers and thermostats. Their thermostats guarantee that hot and cold water will hit your skin in precisely the amounts you want with your preferred temperature. The technological innovation known as GROHE TurboStat instantly sets the ideal shower temperature and maintains it throughout the duration of your shower.


The advanced shower control feature designed by GROHE allows you to easily change the temperature and flow of water as well as choose your favorite spray and switch easily between a head and hand shower. Showers are designed so that you can simply turn the GROHE ProGrip handle from Eco to Full Flow to increase or decrease the volume of water or stop it when you need it. This technology also allows you to save your preferred presets so that you can use them again in your next shower.

GROHE EcoJoy Technology

The shower systems are made to be energy and water efficient to conserve the use of these resources. The flow limiter reduces the water flow to 9.5 liters per minute, which can save up to 40% of water usage without sacrificing performance and ensures that you always get the ideal flow.

There are endless options out there to choose from when it comes to enhancing our showering experience and wanting to be more environmentally conscious. You can discover a variety of systems and options to choose from when you visit GROHE website. You can also use the GROHE SmartControl Configurator which would help you find the right choice of a shower system that would fulfill your needs.