Here's Why Your UAE Phone Network Says '2TheMoon'

  • Publish date: Saturday، 10 December 2022 | Last update: Friday، 20 December 2024
Here's Why Your UAE Phone Network Says '2TheMoon' Here's Why Your UAE Phone Network Says '2TheMoon'
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The network provider name in the UAE changed on Friday, December 9 to ‘2TheMoon’. As we know, the UAE launches campaigns to support historical events happening in the country which is why the network name is now reflecting support to UAE's Lunar Mission Rashid Rover.

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The rover is set to launch tomorrow, Sunday December 11, 2022 from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station. After being postponed a number of times over the past month due to weather conditions Rashid Rover will liftoff to the surface of the moon tomorrow.

The mission will launch at 11.38am UAE time but live coverage begins at 10am. You can watch it on or below.

The primary landing site was chosen along with multiple contingencies, which may be used depending on variables that occur during transit. The site meets the technical specifications of the lander technology demonstration mission and the scientific exploration objectives for the ELM mission. The Rashid Rover, once landed, will explore the characteristics of lunar soil, the petrography and geology of the Moon, dust movement, surface plasma conditions, and the Moon's photoelectron sheath.

The novel discovery within the unexplored lunar site is one of the many reasons why the Emirates Lunar Mission is one of the most anticipated moon missions.

Last year, the UAE made history with the launch of its Mission to Mars using the Hope Probe in February 2021