Hajj To Go Ahead This Year 2021

  • Publish date: Monday، 10 May 2021
Hajj To Go Ahead This Year 2021 Hajj To Go Ahead This Year 2021
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The Hajj and Umrah Ministry told The National on Sunday that the Hajj would go ahead this year "according to the due health, security and regulatory standards and regulations that preserve the health and well-being of the pilgrims".

"Health institutions in Saudi Arabia will continue to assess the situation and take all the measures to preserve the health of all mankind," the ministry said.

A Hajj spokesman told the National "overseas pilgrims will be welcomed this year to perform Hajj, but we will announce details and regulations later".

What is Hajj?

Hajj is the name of a pilgrimage to Islamic holy sites in and around Makkah, a city in Saudi Arabia. It is obligatory to perform at least once in a lifetime if a Muslim is physically fit enough and financially able to undertake the journey. The pilgrimage is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and it occurs annually in the Islamic month of Dhul Hija.

Hajj To Go Ahead This Year 2021

How long does Hajj take?

Hajj usually takes around three to five days

When does Hajj start?

Start Date: The eighth day of the lunar month of Dhul-Hijjah (the Gregorian date changes every year).

End Date: The 12th day of Dhul-Hijjah.

Saudi Arabia is set to reopen its borders from May 17.

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