Get Ready To Cool The House This Summer With LG Dual Cool Inverter AC

  • Publish date: Monday، 21 March 2022
Get Ready To Cool The House This Summer With LG Dual Cool Inverter AC Get Ready To Cool The House This Summer With LG Dual Cool Inverter AC

No need to feel the heat of the summer with LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC; as the summer season is approaching, the heat is coming soon, and today it is almost impossible to manage without something to cool down the heat that you might feel during the hot soaring summer heat of UAE, today we will mention why LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC might be the perfect option for you, with its ability to save 53% of energy while cooling the air 60% faster than other traditional ACs. 

Simple yet Modern Design

An Ac should not stand out in the room compared to other furniture pieces, and the LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has a very slim yet modern design that is easy to install and easy to clean.

Get Ready To Cool The House This Summer With LG Dual Cool Inverter AC

Features that make it convenient for everyday use

The LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has got many features that make it convenient for your daily use:

  • Comfort Sleep: There is just one button on the LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC that sets the AC in sleep mode, where it has an indirect flow of air for 7hours for the comfort of your sleep.
  • The Gold Fin™ in LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC increases the durability of heat exchange since it is more resistant to corrosion.
  • There is no need to clean with auto cleaning, as this feature prevents any formation of bacteria and mold.
  • LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has a four-way swing to ensure that the cold air reaches your room's corners.
  • Say goodbye to any dust particles with the dual protection filter that LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has got.


The Dual Inverter Compressor™ works wonders

The essential feature LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has got is the Dual Inverter Compressor™ which is responsible for saving energy and giving you cold air faster; things the dual inverter compressor can do is the following:

  • Say goodbye to loud noises as the LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC skew fan and the Dual Inverter Compressor™ work together to take out that loud noise for a quite operative AC.
  • LG Dual Inverter Compressor™ adjusts its speed to get you the required temperature but with the utmost minimum of fluctuation in that degree.
  • Save energy and cool your room fast: LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC automatically adjusts the compressors’ speed to keep the desired temperature with the dual inverter compressor. It is power-saving which saves you energy more than the traditional compressor.

A smart AC with ThinQ

The LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC can be easily monitored or controlled through Wifi connections and LG ThinQ smart app anywhere and anytime.


Tropical Dual Inverter Compressor™ that works at high temperatures

The LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC has the Tropical Dual Inverter Compressor™, which ensures that the AC works even at temperatures up to 65℃. With a ten years warranty on the compressor.


Do not worry about the upcoming heatwaves for the summer of 2022 with LG Dual Cool inverter i27tnh AC, a perfect smart addition to your home devices.