GCC Interior Ministers Approve the Unified GCC Visa Scheme

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states have unanimously approved the unified GCC visa, which was announced by the GCC Secretary General Jassim Al Budaiwi at the 40th meeting of GCC interior ministers in Oman.
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The unified visa system is expected to roll out between 2024 to 2025.
The unified visa system will streamline the movement of tourists and residents between the six GCC countries, which will boost economic and tourist sectors.
The GCC states have also approved the electronic linking of traffic offences between the six countries.
The council is preparing to combat illegal drugs across the six states as well.
The GCC unified visa scheme is part of the GCC 2030 tourism strategy, which will boost the number of tourists to the bloc to 128.7 million visitors by 2030.
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The Middle East's tourism sector has already witnessed the strongest post-pandemic rebound in the world.
The region recorded total recovery in tourist arrivals in the first quarter of 2023, which makes it unique.
The unified visa scheme is expected to make the GCC region more attractive to tourists and businesses.