Expo 2020: India Pavilion Raises $2 Billion in Investment Deals

  • Publish date: Sunday، 05 December 2021 | Last update: Wednesday، 08 December 2021
Expo 2020: India Pavilion Raises $2 Billion in Investment Deals Expo 2020: India Pavilion Raises $2 Billion in Investment Deals
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The India pavilion said on Saturday that over 25 MoUs were signed with international firms, in sectors including auto, auto components, logistics, electric vehicles, textiles, data centres, pharma, biofuels, and energy.

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The deals were signed with - Japan, Singapore, Sweden, Korea, Germany, and Italy, and entities like the Africa-India Economic Foundation for bilateral trade and cooperation.

Aslam Sheikh, Maharashtra Fisheries and Textiles Minister said, “The UAE government has created history by setting up this Expo for the countries of the world. It’s a privilege to represent Maharashtra at such a great platform.”

 “We are proud of each Indian who has contributed to the growth of the two nations. The state of Maharashtra appreciates the dedication and hard work that you all have put in strengthening the global position of both India and the UAE” he added.

Almost 10,000 people visited the India Pavilion during Maharashtra week where the state showcased its economic vision and the attractiveness of its businesses, along with the state’s rich cultural heritage.