Expats in UAE Must Have AED 10,000 Salary to Sponsor Relatives
The UAE has issued new visa regulations for expats wanting to sponsor relatives.

The UAE has issued new visa regulations, which state that an expat can only sponsor a relative if they have a salary of AED 10,000.
Chairman of the Federal Authority for Identity, Citizenship, Customs & Port Security Ali Mohammad Al Shamsi issued these new regulations in Resolution No. 74 of 2022, which covers the conditions and controls under Cabinet Resolution No. 65 of 2022 and it came into effect in October 2022.
If an expat wishes to sponsor his relatives or his wife's relatives, he must meet certain requirements to get approval for their residence visas. If a foreigner is related to a UAE resident or their spouse, then they must be related through certain degrees of kinship: the resident's father, mother, or underage siblings. The resident can also sponsor his wife's father and mother.
The new visa regulations also require that the expat who wants to bring his or her relatives to the UAE must have adequate housing and monthly income. The expat is allowed to sponsor 5 individuals, given his monthly income is AED 10,000. He can sponsor 6 individuals if his salary is AED 15,000. If the number of individuals to be sponsored exceeds six, then the chairman of the authority will determine the applicant's eligibility.
The new resolution also features regulations related to lost passports or ID cards, entry visas, and residents staying outside of the UAE.
Image source: Integrity Consulting website