Enjoy City Breaks the Austrian Way this Summer

  • Publish date: Monday، 29 May 2023
Enjoy City Breaks the Austrian Way this Summer Enjoy City Breaks the Austrian Way this Summer

The Austrian cultural summer hits you right in the heart with city breaks that lead you through vibrant neighborhoods, into museums, and to the most well-known attractions. Austria's cities astonish, pique, and keep you mesmerized to see more of this beautiful country.

If you wish to visit the visually stunning city of Graz, then you should definitely take a stroll past the clock tower and up the Schlossberg to enjoy a view of the ancient town of Graz. Or perhaps you'd prefer to visit Vienna, the cultural center of Austria, where history and tales of the city can be seen on every corner. To marvel in front of genuine masterpieces by the great masters in one of Vienna’s museums is incomparable. Your trip wouldn’t be complete without a trip to a coffee shop, which should undoubtedly be included in the daily schedule if you want to experience the spirit of the cities.

Binge Watching the Austrian Way: Culture with Passion 

People who enjoy art, culture, and city adventures are familiar with the sensation of anticipation to see these amazing and engaging paintings in museums. You can live through history while walking in the castles and palaces and enjoy old-fashioned city streets that will enchant you. The art and cultures that you will witness will take you to another planet, uplift your spirit, and frequently spark your own creativity. It is typical of Austria to have so many cultural monuments, the right phrase that will describe your experience as you visit Austria is "binge-watching" as you will become obsessed with the frantic visual experience that you will witness. Austrian city getaways are ideal for those who prefer to immerse themselves in the country's art and culture, it certainly is a celebration that will make your heart race.

Enjoy City Breaks the Austrian Way this Summer

(c) Graz Tourismus by Harry Schiffer

For art lovers, these museums are a must-visit when you are in Vienna:

  • The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna is not just a place for art – it is an artwork in itself, displaying objects from seven millennia.  
  • Belvedere Palace, which celebrates its 300-year anniversary, consists of two palace complexes and houses the most important ensembles of the Austrian Baroque and the world’s largest Klimt painting collection.  
  • A unique mélange of modern exhibition houses and historic palaces can be experienced at the Albertina Museum, where art lovers can look forward to a journey through time.  
  • Spread over 90,000m2 in central Vienna and encompassing 60 cultural institutions, the Museums Quartier is one of the largest districts for contemporary art housing three art museums.  

(c) OEW, Peter Maier

Energy Drink the Austrian Way - Fuel up at the Coffee House 

Coffeehouses belong to Vienna as Mozart belongs to Salzburg. However, most people don't just stop at one of the time-honored, elegant cafés to get their caffeine fixed.

Spending time at the coffeehouse is part of the Austrian culture that is all about relaxed contemplation and lively conversation. Marble tables, upholstered sofas, and local and international newspapers in their own bentwood holders are part of the furnishings of the old Viennese coffeehouses. The melange and other coffee specialties are served on a silver tray – always accompanied by a glass of fresh mountain spring water. Social etiquette and the elegance of the waiters dressed in black vests complete the unique atmosphere. They may be a little bit concise, but that's all part of the Viennese charm. The love for coffeehouses is present in other Austrian cities too, and you will find plenty of trendy cafés across the country – with all of them offering to invite outdoor seating on terraces in the summer.  

(c) OEW, Peter Maier

Cool Vibes the Austrian Way - The Green Outdoors in the City

We are constantly looking for quiet areas to unwind in cities. A green oasis, parks, and neighborhood recreation spaces, these places are numerous throughout Austria's cities. For protection from the city's summer heat, there are also huge meadow areas and tree-lined avenues.

You will be able to enjoy some quiet time recharging your batteries outside, and the city won’t be interrupting. The power of nature is everywhere, from energizing locations to creative green projects in urban settings.

(c) OEW, Peter Maier

The core of Vienna's parks, which its residents cherish, is the gorgeous flowerbeds, rose gardens, lawns, and tree-lined walks. The capital of Austria is home to 990 municipal parks. These green islands in the center of the bustle of daily life are the perfect spot to unwind and breathe in the clean air of the city, whether you're clearing your thoughts, meeting friends, going for a walk, jogging, or simply relaxing on a bench in the sun.

Walking peacefully up Salzburg's municipal mountain, the Moenchsberg is going to be a magnificent experience since you are always met with silence when you reach the summit. Simply take in the breathtaking view of Salzburg or pause for a delectable lunch. 

(c) Tourismus Salzburg GmbH

Main Image credit: (c) OEW, Peter Maier