Dust Storm, Rain Warnings Issued as Winds, Heavy Rains, Hail Lash UAE

The UAE authorities have issued multiple warnings for both rain and dust after the country witnessed heavy rains, hail, and winds all day on Saturday.
Residents were given some rest from the summer heat that has started setting in as rain fell on the mountains.
Meanwhile, the municipality of the Al Dhafrah region in Abu Dhabi urged residents to be careful when venturing out, since strong winds with rain and blowing dust could be harmful.
تهيب #بلدية_منطقة_الظفرة بتوخي الحيطه والحذر في السير على الطرقات نظراً لتأثر بعض المناطق برياح نشطة السرعة مثيرة للغبار والأتربة وسقوط الأمطار وندعوكم للتواصل على الخط الساخن 993 أو عبر الواتس اب 026788888 في حال وجود تجمع رمال أو سقوط أشجار أو وجود أي طارئ @NCMUAE pic.twitter.com/wh3EfT8oXf
— بلدية منطقة الظفرة (@DRMunicipality) May 20, 2023
The authority also said that all construction equipment such as tower cranes, mobile cranes, suspended platforms, and other heavy machinery should stop running.
The National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) also issued a dust warning, urging residents to exercise caution and drive safely, lock all doors and windows, monitor official weather platforms, and not be directly exposed to dust.
#Alert_#NCM pic.twitter.com/14zI1oCfjE
— المركز الوطني للأرصاد (@NCMUAE) May 20, 2023
The NCM also shared videos displaying the heavy rains and winds blowing in the nation, along with safety measures to take during the rainfall.
According to the NCM, several areas of the country experienced rainfall, including Fujairah, Sharjah, and Abu Dhabi.
#أمطار_الخير البثنة #الفجيرة #المركز_الوطني_للأرصاد #أمطار #أصدقاء_المركز_الوطني_للأرصاد #حالة_الطقس #حالة_جوية #هواة_الطقس #محمد_البريكي #عواصف_الشمال pic.twitter.com/uOFpecOIut
— المركز الوطني للأرصاد (@NCMUAE) May 20, 2023