Dubai To Build Suspended Transport Network

  • Publish date: Monday، 07 June 2021
Dubai To Build Suspended Transport Network Dubai To Build Suspended Transport Network
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Under its plan to build a futuristic suspended transport network in Dubai, Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Zhong Tang Sky Railway Group, a leading company in the suspended railways.

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"The signing of this MoU is part of RTA’s ongoing efforts to increase public transportation trips to 26 percent by 2030.” said Abdul Mohsen Ibrahim Younes.

"RTA is aligning its efforts with the national agenda to nurture a sustainable environment in terms of air quality and reliance on clean energy. The ultimate objective is to rank Dubai as the best place for living and business, a destination for visitors, and the smartest and happiest city in the world," added Younes.

It also contributes to realising the Dubai Self-Driving Transport Strategy aimed to convert 25 percent of the total mobility journeys in Dubai into self-driving transport by 2030.