Dubai Starts Issuing Five-Year Multiple-Entry Permits

His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai's Crown Prince and Chairman of the Executive Council, on Twitter on Tuesday, that Dubai has started issuing five-year multiple-entry permits for employees of international companies.
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بدأنا في دبي إصدار إذن دخول لمرات متعددة مدته خمس سنوات لموظفي الشركات العالمية المتواجدة في الإمارة.. هدفنا التيسير على المؤسسات وتمكين فرق عملها من التحرك بسرعة وسهولة من وإلى دبي للمشاركة في الاجتماعات والمؤتمرات والمعارض المقامة فيها على مدار العام
— Hamdan bin Mohammed (@HamdanMohammed) November 16, 2021
He said the initiative will help employees to travel easily to and from Dubai to take part in meetings, conferences and exhibitions throughout the year.
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It was earlier in March 2021 when UAE Cabinet approved a multiple-entry tourist visa system for all nationalities.
“The UAE is a global economic capital and all our decisions will be based on this vision” said Sheikh Mohammed as he announced the new decisions on his Twitter account.