Dubai Resident Shows Off Vehicle Plate Number With a Name

A user based in Dubai, @HamadAlMajidi, shared a picture on his Twitter of a vehicle plate design showing the name ‘7AMAD’ instead of digits.
However, it’s not an actual plate number the user clarified. The design is a decorative piece he had bought from an American website over 5 years ago.
“The Dubai government can create an excellent source of income at almost zero cost, by starting to put numbers and letters on cars.”
تستطيع حكومة دبي أن تخلق مصدر دخل ممتاز و بتكلفة شبه معدومة، وذلك عن طريق البدء بطرح أرقام مع أحرف على السيارات
— حمد (@HamadAlMajidi) August 7, 2021
كثيرين مستعدين يدفعون عشرات الآلاف على أرقام تملك رمزية عالية بالنسبة لهم.. والتكلفة على الحكومة مجرد:
-برمجة برنامج للتسعير و حجب لوحات ذات معنى خادش للحياء
The user added that such unique licence plates will do well in Dubai because “the Dubai government has made us pioneers in experimenting with new ideas.”
Many countries around the world allow for such customisations by the vehicle owners.