Drinking Water Should Be Your Priority This Year

  • Publish date: Monday، 16 January 2023
Drinking Water Should Be Your Priority This Year Drinking Water Should Be Your Priority This Year

Staying hydrated is one of the common goals that people start the new year with in mind. However, as our days get busier, we forget to drink water regularly. To maintain the habit of drinking water continuously, we need to find smart solutions that would encourage us to stay hydrated. This can be done by installing an efficient water system that would give you easy access to fresh water with just a click of a tap.

 GROHE water systems would be the greatest example of an intelligent system matching your drinking needs, GROHE Blue and GROHE Red.


If you are picky about the taste of the water you’re drinking, we can assure you that having a smart system like GROHE Blue will save you the hassle of driving to the supermarket to buy bottled water and choosing from all the different water brands out there. You will be able to save time, effort, and storage space at your home.

Drinking Water Should Be Your Priority This Year

What is unique about GROHE Blue is that it can give you three water options based on your preference. It can provide 3 levels of water:

  • Still: A perfectly chilled cool water.
  • Medium: If you don’t like the intensity of sparkling water, but still like a hint of spark then this is the option for you.
  • Sparkling: You will be able to get sparkling water, full of bubbles with a press of your tap.

Experts advise us to consume at least 2 liters of fluid per day, this can be easily achieved when you have an accessible water system like GROHE Blue.

Plus, GROHE Blue has a magnesium+ filter option that can be a beneficial addition to your everyday diet. GROHE Blue Home contains twice as much magnesium per liter as four apples.

You will also be saving money in the long run by investing in GROHE Blue. If you compare the cost of water that you buy daily or weekly to match your family’s needs and have a water system installed in your house, you will find that you are saving more money.

Also, using GROHE Blue allows you to be more environmentally friendly in more ways than you might think. First, you will reduce the use of plastic by not using plastic bottled water. The process of creating bottled water not only uses a lot of plastic that can harm the environment but also consumes huge amounts of water, almost up to 7 liters just to produce 1 liter of bottled water. So, using a water system like GROHE Blue will significantly reduce water by 61%.


Hot water is an essential thing that we need constantly, whether it is for our hot drinks or to use in cooking, or for daily household chores. Boiling water using a kettle or waiting for water to boil on the stove can be an inefficient way to get hot water and can be time-consuming.

You will be able to save kitchen space, energy, and time all at once by installing GROHE Red. Which is a dependable system that quickly and securely provides scorching hot water right from your faucet.

There are High-performance filters that are included with GROHE Red. They employ a five-step filtering process to rid the water of even the tiniest hint of contaminants while keeping all the vital minerals that are good for your health. Beyond ensuring an unmatched flavor experience, the filter performs another crucial duty: by removing limescale, it assures that the boiler will run flawlessly throughout the course of its long lifespan. This will encourage you to have hot drinks more often throughout the day and keep yourself hydrated.

Also, GROHE Red is an essential tool that you would want to have in your kitchen as you can easily use it during your cooking sessions, wash vegetables, and simply enjoy all your favorite hot drinks instantly. It is also the perfect tool to sanitize your kitchen utensils and ensure that they are germ-free.

Since protecting you and your family is the most important thing, GROHE Red was designed to be the safest hot water system that you can find on the market. The GROHE Red taps have an impenetrable child lock and safety feature that eliminates the risk of burning accidents. And the cut-off feature immediately stops the flow of water the moment your hand leaves the button.

You can discover more features about GROHE Red and GROHE Blue by visiting GROHE’s website and choosing the water system that is more suitable for your needs.