DMCC Named Global Free Zone of the Year 2022

The world’s flagship Free Zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise – has been named Global Free Zone of the Year 2022 by the Financial Times’ fDi Magazine for the eighth consecutive year.
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The methodology focuses on metrics that demonstrate core growth of the free zones, both in terms of the increase in small and large tenants, and how effectively each free zone provides ecosystems and related initiatives that support growth, business and marketing strategy, infrastructure improvements, COVID-response and promotion of sustainability.
The year 2021 saw DMCC achieve its best performance since its inception, attracting 2,485 new businesses from markets including China, India, the UK and the US. This momentum was carried into 2022 with DMCC seeing the best H1 on record, attracting 1,469 companies to bring the district’s total to 21,000.
Driving these record-breaking figures are two key elements of DMCC’s strategy: increasing the ease of doing business for companies in the business district, allowing them to trade efficiently and with confidence, and providing the right infrastructure and services that make Dubai a global gateway for trade.