Celebrities With Different Colored Eyes

  • Publish date: Monday، 12 July 2021
Celebrities With Different Colored Eyes Celebrities With Different Colored Eyes
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There are many celebrities who've caught out attention not only with their talent or beauty but because they have eyes of different colors, meaning that the color of each eye is completely different from the color of the other, so what is the reason behind this phenomenon.

The world celebrates on July 12 of every year Different Colored Eyes Day, which is dedicated to celebrating people who have eyes of different colors, which, as mentioned earlier, is due to the rare condition of Heterochromia iridum.

Varieties of color and types of irises

In fact, this is due to a rare medical phenomenon known as Heterochromia iridum or heterochromia, which is the main reason why people have different eye color than others.

It is known that the color of the eyes is determined by the percentage of melanin, which is a dark pigment found in the iris of the eye. This pigment is responsible for determining the color of the eyes, and the higher the percentage, the more the eyes tend to dark colors (black or brown), while if I said, the eyes tended to the lighter colors (like blue).

But when someone's eyes contain different percentages of this pigment, then the rare phenomenon of Heterochromia iridum occurs, which is divided into 3 different types:

The first and most well-known type is complete heterochromia, in which the iris of each eye is a different color than the other.

A third type is sectoral heterochromia, in which part of the iris is a different color from the rest of the iris.

A third and final type is central heterochromia, in which a ring forms around the pupil, or sparks of different colors appear to radiate from the pupil.

Now that we know the scientific reason behind this phenomenon, let's take a look at celebrities with different colored eyes:

Kate Bosworth

Celebrities With Different Colored Eyes

Wentworth Miller 

Alice Eve

Josh Henderson

Jessica Cauffiel

Tim McIlrath