Can I have Bread And Butter?
Is it healthy?
What would I do if I want to eat a toast with butter? Can I have it? Can I keep my calories under control? Yes and yes.
The Key is to nurture our bodies. Weight loss and weight maintenance take time, and effort as we age. Our body composition changes, our muscle mass decreases, and adipose tissue mass increases. But you can still loose weight. Be patient with yourself, it is a lifestyle, a sustainable plan you want to work on, not a punishment plan.
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Learn to nurture your body, to care for it. Eat what you want but mindfully and gracefully. This is how the change happens. So here’s what I had for my afternoon snack, craving? Or after lunch dessert , whatever you want to call it
• 1 thin sliced whole-grain bread (70 Kcals per piece). Always choose a bread that is low in calorie, high in seeds and grains , be mindful of the calorie amount. Aim for higher fiber and higher protein content.
• 1 smear of salted French Butter (you can barely see it, as I spread it and toasted it).
• 1/3 tbsp Fig Butter.
What do I get? 155 Kcals, 16 gms Carbohydrates, 2.5 gms Fiber, and 3 gms Protein.
Yes not enough protein, but I am already at 90 gms consumption today. Having butter on your bread once in a while is OK. I have been in this field for 15 years and have seen so many patients go on Fad diets to come back with much more weight gain than before they embarked on their journey of miracle, super-fast, lettuce, cabbage, whatever type of Diet.
I personally use the word diet when referring to a therapeutic plan in medical nutrition therapy, but as far as weight loss, it is not about a diet, it is about learning how to eat, how NOT to beat yourself up. How to love your body and nurture it.
You want that bite of dessert (have it), but don’t eat the whole desert piece every single day, that would be a problem. Studies have shown (meta-analysis and RCT), that most people put on the weight they lose in 4.5 years, as the body goes through metabolism adaption (causing your metabolism to drop hence you end up burning fewer calories), yet some people are successful in maintaining the weight loss and what Science shows us that the ones who succeed in maintaining the weight loss are the ones WHO KEEP DOING WHAT THEY WERE DOING AT TIME OF LOOSING WEIGHT.
Finally, I hope you enjoyed reading the article. Please enjoy your bread and butter but choose wisely the type and quantity, and make sure you are not short on other macro-nutrients for the rest of the day.
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