CAFU to Plant a Million Trees in UAE Using Drones

  • Publish date: Thursday، 18 March 2021 | Last update: Friday، 19 March 2021
CAFU to Plant a Million Trees in UAE Using Drones CAFU to Plant a Million Trees in UAE Using Drones
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Dubai based CAFU is launching high tech drones to plant a million ghaf trees across

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The ghaf tree is associated with the UAE as it was declared as the national tree of the UAE because of its great cultural and traditional significance. The Ghaf is a drought-tolerant tree, able to withstand the harsh desert environment and still remain green as well as it is beneficial and a huge part of the environment.

CAFU already completed two rounds of planting involving 10,000 seeds in the desert, CAFU has also announced the full cutting-edge drone planting strategy as the company aims to become carbon neutral.

Cafu’s sustainability and community manager Nabra Al Busaidi said: “In 2019, we did surface seeding, but with research and development over the past year, we learnt a smarter way of the germination process using seed balls that will protect the seed from getting spoilt...We then used our in-house custom-built multipurpose drone to drop these seed balls in the soil at a certain pace so it penetrates to a depth of 1cm below the ground.”

The initiative is similar to cloud seeding but with a twist to trees to speed up the process of planting trees. UAE is always ahead and using technology efficiently.