Bus Service Resumes Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi With Guidelines

  • Publish date: Monday، 13 September 2021
Bus Service Resumes Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi With Guidelines Bus Service Resumes Between Dubai and Abu Dhabi With Guidelines
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The UAE Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced on Monday, E101 bus shuttle between Dubai and Abu Dhabi has resumed.

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The bus service would start from Ibn Battuta Bus Station in Dubai and head to the Central Bus Station in Abu Dhabi.

Adel Shakri, director of Planning and Business Development, Public Transport Agency, RTA, said: “This route is critical to the integration of mass transit means between the two emirates and the smooth movement of passengers.”

Guildines to travel in bus between Abu Dhabi and Dubai:

  • Vaccinated individuals must have a 'green' status on their AlHosn app and an 'E' sign or star symbol (this is activated after a negative PCR test result and remains valid for days).
  • Unvaccinated individuals will be allowed to enter Abu Dhabi within 48 hours of receiving a negative Covid-19 test result.
  • Travellers must not use DPI test results to enter the emirate two successive times.

Unvaccinated visitors with a negative PCR result must take additional tests on days four and eight after entry. Those entering with a DPI test result must take PCR tests on days three and seven.