April Fool's Can Land You in Prison

Who doesn’t like April Fool’s? Would'nt you want to prank your co-workers, family and even loved ones? But be aware, if done inappropriately, pranks can definitely land you in prison in Dubai.
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The State Prosecutor’s Office has warned residents and visitors through its accounts on social media about the legal consequences of spreading false rumors and playing pranks that harm society in light of what is known as “April Fool”.
The UAE Public Prosecution has spread awareness on the effect a rumor can have on society, it can negatively affect society, harm public interests, spread negative spirit and disturb public security, and indulging in any such activity is a crime that is punishable by law in the UAE by imprisonment for a period of no less than one year.
النيابة العامة للدولة تحذر من "#كذبة_أبريل" وإطلاق الإشاعات الكاذبة التي تلحق أضرارا بالمجتمع .. والحبس مدة لا تقل عن سنة لكل من أذاع عمدا أخبارا أو بيانات أو إشاعات كاذبة#وام
— وكالة أنباء الإمارات (@wamnews) April 1, 2021
للتفاصيل: https://t.co/2vsmHhbVFB pic.twitter.com/ZfdjRGngQ5
This of course applies to anyone who sends rumors under the name of April Fool’s prank, this includes broadcasts false or malicious news, data, rumors or broadcasts propaganda if such exercise is deemed liable to disturb public security, instill terror among the people or harm public interest in any way.
Happy April Fool’s day, stay safe and most importantly out of prison!