Anti-COVID Measures Must Be Adhered To By Beach-goers In Dubai
Otherwise strict fines will be imposed

If you’re in need of a vitamin D boost or simply wish to unwind by the shore, heading to the beach seems like the perfect option for a little getaway. As temperatures begin to drop, beach-goers in Dubai have been warned to follow the necessary instructions as they put their feet in the sand this winter.
لأن سلامتكم تهمنا، نرجوا منكم اتباع الإجراءات الاحترازية عند ارتياد شواطئ إمارة دبي الواردة في الفيديو أعلاه.
~((تعاونوا معنا لنضمن سلامتكم.))~#أمنكم_سعادتنا #نتواصل_ونحمي_نبتكر_ونبني #الجميع_مسؤولفيديو ذات صلة
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— Dubai Policeشرطة دبي (@DubaiPoliceHQ) August 21, 2020
Anyone who seems to be flouting any rules will be stopped by the security patrols and will be issued warnings as a means to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in the emirate, with patrols on bicycles, boats, motorcycles and cars, as well as beach patrols and drones to ensure rules are abided by.
Large crowds on the beach and those caught without facemarks will face fines of Dh3,000.
The police also said on Twitter “Because your safety is important to us, we ask you to follow the precautionary measures when going to the beaches of the emirate. Co-operate with us to ensure your safety,”
Back in June, the police have already issued hundreds of fines in June to those ignoring rules, while 200 beachgoers were fined in just one day when beaches reopened at the end of May as reported by a statement issued.
Also, between May 29 and September 20, 721 people were caught breaching safety guidelines and the rules which include wearing a face mask, keeping a distance of at least two metres from others and not gathering in groups of more than five, unless they are family members.
Lead image courtesy of instagram/@olenka_karmalita