All You Need to Know About RTA’s Dubai Metro Blue Line Expansion

  • Publish date: Thursday، 26 October 2023 | Last update: Tuesday، 10 December 2024
All You Need to Know About RTA’s Dubai Metro Blue Line Expansion All You Need to Know About RTA’s Dubai Metro Blue Line Expansion
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Contacts regarding contractors' interest in a major infrastructure development have been made by Dubai's Roads and Transport Authority (RTA).

The RTA issued an invitation to contractors to take part in the planning and building of the new Blue Line for the Dubai Metro network.

This massive project encompasses rolling stock, rail systems, electromechanical works, and civil works.

Furthermore, for the first three years after completion, the chosen contractor will be crucial to the upkeep and functioning of the new line. The planned Blue Line will span a distance of thirty kilometers, bridging the current Red and Green lines.

15.5 kilometers, or almost half of it, will travel underground Earth, and the remaining 14.5 kilometers will be above it.

There are reports that the route will include 14 stations, including seven elevated stops, one of which will be a well-known one. Furthermore, there are two elevated transfer stations that connect to the Centrepoint and Creek stations, as well as five underground stations, one of which is an interchange station.

The contract covers not only the railway infrastructure but also the development of adjacent roadways, amenities, and utility diversion works, as well as the supply of 28 driverless trains and the building of a depot that can hold up to 60 trains.

The specific scope of work includes the following: rolling stock fabrication and supply; operation and control system delivery and procurement; electromechanical design and execution; and civil engineering.

The anticipated cost of this expansion project is several billion dollars, and it fits in with Dubai's goals for urban development, especially the March 2021 announcement of the Dubai 2040 Urban Master Plan.

The development of the metro system is a crucial part of Dubai's plan to supply 80% of its citizens' daily necessities—whether they be met on foot or by bicycle—within a 20-minute travel.