A Guide To AlHosn App Vaccination Status

As of recent news Abu Dhabi will now require a green pass on AlHosn app to be able to get to a lot of places and some fully-vaccinated residents complain the ‘Covid-19 vaccinated’ status is not showing on their AlHosn app.
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Read More: Your Guide To Al Hosn App
Read More: Al Hosn App Adds 6 Different User Categories
The issue is that residents who have taken both the doses of Sinopharm and Pfizer vaccine - in the UAE or abroad - and the RT-PCR test, say they have been unable to find their status on the UAE’s official national Covid-19 vaccine registry.
According to the different categories for the ‘green pass’ validity, an unvaccinated person can still enter most public places for three days with a negative PCR test result.
So, as known first of all download the application from Apple and Google Play stores! You will need an internet connection when you first install the ALHOSN app, but because the app is whitelisted by the telecom operators, data used will not come off your allowance. You’ll also need an Emirates ID and a working phone number.
هدفنا أن نكون بجانبك على مدار الساعة وطوال أيام الأسبوع، ولهذا السبب أطلقنا قناة "واتساب للأعمال" من "صحة" لرفع مستوى خدماتنا وتبسيط الوصول إليها.
— SEHA - شركة صحة (@SEHAHealth) June 14, 2021
للتواصل معنا اضغط على الرابط التالي:https://t.co/e3kdfgwdzq pic.twitter.com/VDudo4ayP3
If you still need help and can see that the App is not working then your next step should be to call the ALHOSN helpline on (800) 4676.
Also, Weqaya is a platform organized and conceived by the National Emergency Crisis and Disasters Management Authority, to help support public health services, spread awareness and information.
The team at Weqaya is also able to provide technical support for the ALHOSN app and have their own hotline: (800) 937 292, and if you’re struggling to get through on there, you’re also able to contact them via a super handy WhatsApp service: 056 3346740.
You can speak to SEHA on (800) 1717 for Covid-19 related enquiries, or on (800) 50 to book screening and vaccination appointments.
SEHA also now offer a WhatsApp chat service on: (02) 410 2200.
The little ‘Gold Star’ or letter ‘E’ — which appears within ALHOSN app are statuses that gives the user special privileges when it comes to movement (for example into Abu Dhabi via road) or attending certain events.
The Gold Star will appear in the apps of those that have completed participation (both doses, and follow up tests) in the phase III Sinopharm or Sputnik trials.
An ‘E’ will appear in the apps of those that have received both doses of an approved vaccine.
Both of the active icons (the ‘Star’ and ‘E’) will only appear 28 days after the final dose, with a negative result from a PCR test (taken after the 28th day).
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