Album: Native Plants of the UAE

Arfaj (Rhanterium epapposum)
Arta (Calligonum comosum)
Ausaj (Lycium shawii)
Cornulaca monacantha
Date Palm
Desert hyacinth
Safrawi (Dipterygium glaucum)
Shuntop (Pentatropis nivalis)
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Plants serve an important part in the natural ecosystem, and their abundance is a sign of a healthy and livable environment. The UAE's climate allows it to home a unique set of plants that are only able to survive in its dry, hot environment.
Read More: Video: Drones Plant Ghaf Tree Seeds
Plants and their root systems filter and oxygenate the environment, resist desertification and soil erosion, trap carbon emissions, regulate rainfall and weather patterns, and offer shelter, nourishment, and secondary goods.