Album: Fascinating Pictures of the MENA Region From the 19 Century

Syria - 1996
Palestine- 1966
Palestine - 1898
Syria - 1898
Tunisia - 1951
Mena House Hotel, Giza, Egypt, 1898
The Royal Mausoleum of Mauretania (Kubr-er-Rumia), Tipaza, Algeria
First oil gusher at Baba Gurgur in Kirkuk, Iraq. 1927
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A remarkable collection of 1,500 digitized images from the Middle East and North Africa that date to the late 19th century has been released by NYU Abu Dhabi.
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The images, which cover Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Turkey, and Iran, were published by the Akkasah, the photography archive at the university's Al Mawrid Arab Centre for the Study of Art.
With the Akkasah archive, people in the Middle East and North Africa hope to collect and preserve the different photography practices and histories there. About 13,000 of its more than 35,000 photos are now available online, and the archive is accepting proposals from scholars, students, and the general public.
Check out the pictures in the album.