Abu Dhabi Updates It's Green Travel List

  • Publish date: Wednesday، 16 February 2022
Abu Dhabi Updates It's Green Travel List Abu Dhabi Updates It's Green Travel List
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Abu Dhabi have updated the 'Green List' of countries for inbound travel to AD effective February 15.

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Covid-vaccinated travelers to Abu Dhabi from Green List countries do not need to quarantine. They must take PCR tests on arrival at Abu Dhabi airport and day six of their stay.

Unvaccinated travellers from Green List countries are also exempt from quarantine, but they must take PCR tests on arrival at Abu Dhabi airport and days six and nine of their stay.

Countries, regions, and territories included on the Green List will be regularly updated based on international developments. Inclusion on the list is subject to strict criteria of health and safety protocols for travel, ensuring and prioritising the well-being of the UAE community.