10,000 Civil Marriage Applications Registered to Date in Abu Dhabi

Over 10,000 marriage applications have been registered with Abu Dhabi's Civil Family Court for Foreigners since the civil marriage law came into force in the capital city last year.
This is an average of 40 applications registered per day, which is equivalent to four files processed per working hour.
The Civil Family Court for Foreigners offers a wide range of services to tourists and residents of all nationalities, such as marriage, no-fault divorce, joint custody of children, civil wills and inheritance, and proof of parentage.
With the Express service, marriages are concluded within 24 hours only to cater for the large number of tourists coming from all over the globe to contract a civil marriage in Abu Dhabi.
Yousef Saeed Alabri, Undersecretary of the Judicial Department, affirmed that the Abu Dhabi court is "the only bilingual court in the Arab region, since it provides forms and judgments in Arabic and English."
He added that it guarantees the right of foreigners to understand the litigation procedures in a simplified manner, without any language barrier.