
Album: Austria's Cone Pavillon Uses Ancient Cooling Technique

  • Publish date: Monday، 14 June 2021
Album: Austria's Cone Pavillon Uses Ancient Cooling Technique

The Austrian pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai consist of 38 cones made of a mixture of clay and reeds that will keep them from heating up.

The cones interiors are coated with 9,000-year-old loam – a combination of silt and clay – from Austrian riverbeds. Also, to retain the cool night air and lower temperatures within, a layer of reed mats has been fitted to the cones reinforced concrete walls.

Located at Expo 2020 in Dubai South, the cones are cut off at different heights to create varied light openings.

Visitors can expect good temperatures as they walk through cave-like walkways which link the cones.

To protect the digital content inside from the summer heat, construction work will be completed a month before Expo 2020 Dubai opens in October.

A small portion of the pavilion will be air-conditioned such as areas reserved for workshops as part of the commitment to sustainability.

Image Credits: Austria Expo 2020 Dubai

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